Sunday Worship 10 October 2021

The drama of Job: The patience of Job?

Today’s service is led by our minister, Rev Dr Rosie Magee with a volunteer from the Rock Trust. You can download an order of service at the link below.


Reader: Bill Mitchell
Prayers of the People: Dunni Smith
Musician: Drew Crichton
Technical team: Alison Bruce, Philippa Burgess, Amy Marcham, Susan McLarty, Mary Margaret Scott


Scripture Reading: New Revised Standard Version
Lord’s Prayer: adapted from the New Zealand Anglican Lord’s Prayer
Centering call to worship written by Kate Compston. Posted on the Church of Scotland’s Starters for Sunday website.
Blessing: section of St Patrick’s breastplate, adapted (traditional)

Title image: © Thomas Nugent and licensed for reuse under
Other images: Pixabay and Unsplash

Hymns from Church Hymnary 4th Edition except: Paraphrase of Psalm 16, and The truth that sets us free from Known Unknowns, John L Bell and Graham Maule, Wild Goose Resource Group, 2018.
Hymns used under licence from CCLI 247862
Streaming licence 351013
and ONE LICENSE #A-734408

St Andrew’s & St George’s West Church of Scotland Edinburgh
Charity SC008990

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