Sunday 5th December – Second Sunday in Advent.

The turning point

The service is led by Rev Dr Rosie Magee with David Dow and Rev Colin Douglas. You can download an order of service at the link below.

👉  Order of Service 5 December 2021 Advent 2

Advent candle lighting: Toby and Oscar Marcham
Reader: Selda Dow
Organist and pianist: Alasdair Grant
The choir of St Andrew’s and St George’s West
Technical team: Alison Bruce, Amy Marcham, Susan McLarty, Mary Margaret Scott

Images: STAGW members & friends, pexels, pixabay and unsplash except for…
Hymn The time has come:
All artwork by Sue Carroll @

and Hymn 281 People look East:
v4 Krazytea, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Opening prayer adapted from ‘Coming in from the Cold’ by Janet Lees, Wild Goose Resource Group
Scripture readings: New Revised Standard Version
How we Pray Prophetically, Jo Love, Resourcing Mission

Hymns from Church Hymnary 4th Edition except ‘The time has come’ from Known Unknowns, by John L Bell and Graham Maule, Wild Goose Resource Group, 2018.
Hymns used under licence from CCLI 247862
Streaming licence 351013
and ONE LICENSE #A-734408

St Andrew’s & St George’s West Church of Scotland Edinburgh. Charity SC008990

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