Sunday 14th November – Remembrance Sunday.

Seeking Refuge

This week’s joint service with the German Speaking Congregation and the Albany Deaf Church is led by Verena Jantzen, Rosie Magee and Katie McNeill. The BSL Interpreter is Alice Lane.

👉 Order of Service Remembrance Sunday 2021_

Readers: Ellen Campbell, Ruth Forrester
Musicians: James McNeill and Katie McNeill
Technical Team: Alison Bruce, Phillipa Burgess, Amy Marcham,
Susan McLarty, Mary Margaret Scott

Call to worship: Spill the Beans issue 40 ©2020 Spill the Beans Resource Team
Title image: Pixabay
Other images: Pexels, Pixabay and Unsplash
Opening Prayer Responses: Yvonne Morland
Hymns from CH4. Hymns used under licence from CCLI 247862
Streaming licence 351013
and ONE LICENSE #A-734408

St Andrew’s & St George’s West Church of Scotland Edinburgh
Charity SC008990

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